
Daniel Hoelbling-Inzko talks about programming

Naming tests is more important than what they do

Posted by Daniel Hölbling on January 3, 2017

Why are we writing tests? There are numerous reasons, but to me the primary one is that I can go into a codebase even after I have forgotten everything about it and make changes without fear of breaking 20 things at once.

One of the major antipatterns I see regularly is the dreaded testMethodWorks() testcase:

public void testCreateUser() throws Exception {
  User user = userService.createUser("foo", "bar");
  assertEquals(user.getUsername(), "foo");
  assertEquals(user.getPassword(), "bar");

  User invalidUser = userService.createUser("bla", "");

  User someOtherTest = userService
  ..(goes on for another 20 cases)...

The example is somewhat contrived, but you get the idea. A testcase that checks 30 different (marginally related) things and will potentially fail for even more reasons. Of course that one testcase validates that the createUser() method works - and especially when a lot of setup is involved in your testcase it's convenient to just use the stuff that's already there.

But by doing so you are sacrificing a major benefit of tests: Readability through naming. If every testcase is simply named after the method it's testing, you end up with a completely useless test class that has exactly the same informative value as the class under test. Why would I bother reading the test if I could just look at the code that's doing stuff? It's probably shorter than the test case!

Imagine you come into a new codebase and whenever something breaks you first have to read through the test code. Looking at each jUnit stacktrace to figure out which assertion blew up - just so you can figure out what the test was actually doing and why that's a bad thing. Yikes.

Now I won't advocate the "one assertion per test" mantra - that's going overboard and usually leads to unmaintainable tests. But at the very least group your tests not by method but by use case. If a test fails it should be for one reason and that reason damn well ought to be in the test name. Not because nobody likes to read code - but because the first thing each testrunner will report is the name of the test that failed.

It's much easier to figure out what is going on if you get a


failure rather than a simple testCreateUser().

Seriously - I didn't even have to explain to you what my use case was - but if this test blows up you will immediately know it's a ACL issue and that it's manifesting itself by not returning a 403 StatusCode. If there was a second testcase called testCreateUserWithoutAdminCredentialsDoesNotInsertUserIntoDatabase you'll also not look at all the different corners of my repository why we got a record too many in some assertThat(repository.getAll().size(), equals(0)); but rather just ignore that failure as it's clearly an ACL issue not a database related thing. By splitting things into multiple testcases we also get the added benefit of predictable states. A test that did not correctly clean up some shared resource (in-memory-db etc..) will not create false positive in line 100 of your testMethodWorks() case but should be contained by your Transactional Testrunner or your setup/teardown methods.

So I propose three simple things that should always be in the testname - regardless of how the test is written or what you are testing:

  • Method under test (createUser)
  • Context the test was run (WithValidAdminCredentials)
  • Expected outcome of the test (ReturnsUserAsJson)

And you end up with createUserWIthValidAdminCredentialsReturnsUserAsJson and alongside you'd naturally get a second testcase called createUserWithValidAdminCredentialsInsertsUserIntoDatabase.

Keep that in mind and you'll make your life much easier for yourself when you have to update something in your codebase a few months down the road - once you have forgotten everything that was going through your head right now :)

Filed under code, style, testing
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